Alcohol and Drug Dependence

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    Alcohol and Drug Dependence

    A problematic pattern of substance use is a complex ailment known as substance use disorder (SUD). It might be modest to really severe (addiction). SUD can be treated. If you believe that you or someone you care about is developing SUD, it's critical to get help from a Florida substance abuse and mental health professional as soon as you can.

    What is substance use disorder?

    A person with a substance use disorder (SUD) has a consistent pattern of substance use that negatively affects their life and/or causes distress. SUD is a spectrum disorder that can range from mild to severe. Typically, it entails a strong want to take the drug, a heightened tolerance to the drug, and/or withdrawal symptoms after stopping use.

    A person may simultaneously suffer from an alcohol use disorder and a cocaine use disorder, for example. Your quality of life as a whole, as well as your health and relationships, can be greatly impacted by addiction. Additionally, it can endanger life. It's imperative to get substance abuse and mental health assistance as soon as you see indicators of SUD.

    Diagnosing Substance Use Disorder

    Drug addiction (substance use disorder) diagnosis necessitates a thorough assessment, which frequently entails an evaluation by a psychiatrist, Florida psychologist, or certified alcohol and drug counselor. Most mental health practitioners in Florida utilize the criteria found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), released by the American Psychiatric Association, to diagnose drug use disorders.

    Drug usage is assessed by blood, urine, or other lab tests; nevertheless, these tests do not serve as an addiction diagnostic tool. These tests could, however, be used to keep tabs on therapy and healing.


    Addiction symptoms or behaviors include:

    • Having strong impulses to take the drug that overpowers all other thoughts
    • Having strong impulses to take the drug that overpowers all other thoughts
    • More and more drug is required to get the same effect.
    • Spending money you don't have in order to get the drug
    • Due to drug usage, one may neglect requirements, perform poorly at work, or reduce social and recreational activities.
    • Ignoring the consequences to your mental or physical well-being.
    • Stealing or engaging in other actions you wouldn't ordinarily undertake to obtain the substance
    • Taking unnecessary risks while on the drug
    • Attempting to stop using the substance but failing
    • Experience withdrawal symptoms if you cannot take the drug

    What is the treatment for Alcohol and Drug Dependence?

    There are effective therapies for substance use disorders. A person may require different sorts of treatment at different periods because treatment is extremely customized. Since SUD is a chronic condition with possible recovery and relapse, treatment for it frequently necessitates ongoing care. It is often preferable to treat co-occurring mental health illnesses along with substance use disorders (SUD) rather than treating them separately.

    Detoxification, cognitive and behavioral therapy, and medication-assisted therapies are the three basic types of treatment. Additionally, there are numerous other kinds of treatment environments, such as long-term therapeutic communities, such as sober living communities, intensive outpatient therapy, inpatient treatment, and outpatient counseling.

    Consult your healthcare practitioner right away if you're taking a prescription medication and fear you might be becoming dependent. Get your child help as soon as you suspect they may be using drugs.