Dissociations Disorder

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    Dissociative disorders

    Mental diseases known as dissociative disorders are characterized by a sense of discontinuity and separation from one's thoughts, memories, environment, activities, and identity. People with dissociative disorders unintentionally flee reality, which makes it difficult for them to carry on with daily activities.

    Dissociative disorders typically arise in response to trauma and serve to block out unpleasant memories. The sort of dissociative disorder you have can influence your symptoms, which can range from forgetfulness to alternate identities. Stressful situations might momentarily exacerbate symptoms, making them more noticeable.

    Medication and trauma recovery center Florida may be used to treat dissociative disorders. Even though treating dissociative disorders can be challenging, many people find new coping mechanisms and go on to have happy, fulfilling lives.


    Signs and symptoms depend on the type of dissociative disorder but may include:

    • Memory loss (amnesia) of specific events, persons, places, and personal details
    • A feeling of being emotionally and personally distant
    • A skewed and surreal perception of the people and things around you
    • No clear idea of who you are
    • Having a lot of stress or issues at work, in relationships, or in other critical areas of your life and not being able to handle stress well
    • Depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors are examples of mental health issues.

    There are three major dissociative disorders defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association:

    Dissociative amnesia Memory loss that is more severe than ordinary forgetfulness and that cannot be accounted for by a medical condition is the key symptom. Especially after a traumatic experience, it is impossible to remember details about oneself, events, or individuals in one's life. Dissociative amnesia might be specific to past experiences, such as fierce warfare, or, less frequently, it can involve total loss of recollection. Sometimes it may include traveling or aimlessly wandering away from your life (dissociative fugue). Amnesia episodes typically start out abruptly and might linger for minutes, hours, or, in rare cases, months or years.

    Dissociative identity disorder This disease, which was formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is characterized by "switching" to different identities. You might experience the voices of two or more individuals speaking to you or living within your head, as well as the sensation that you are being controlled by several personalities. Each identity may have a distinctive name, background, and personality traits, such as voice, gender, mannerisms, and even physical traits like the requirement for eyeglasses. Additionally, there are variations in how each identity is acquainted with the others. Dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue are common in people with a dissociative identity disorder.

    Depersonalization-derealization disorder This is having a persistent or sporadic sense of being detached from or outside of yourself and viewing your actions, feelings, ideas, and self as if you were watching a movie (depersonalization). The world may look surreal, time may seem to have sped up or slowed down, and other people and things around you may seem distant, foggy, or dreamy (derealization). Depersonalization, derealization, or both may occur. The symptoms, which can be extremely upsetting, may only last a short while or may come and go over many years.

    When to see a doctor

    Some sufferers of dissociative disorders exhibit intense traumatic flashbacks or risky behavior when they are in a crisis. People who exhibit these symptoms should seek immediate help from a licensed mental health counselor in Florida. Call your depression treatment center in Florida if you or a loved one exhibits less serious symptoms that might point to a dissociative condition.